Nüwa,mending the heaven. 女娲补天
In very ancient times, Heaven broke and fell,在极其遥远的古代,天空发生了坍塌,
leaving a huge black hole. Humans were faced with the risk of extinction.
Nüwa, the great mother of the human race,伟大的人类之母女娲
had to reorganize the Universe. 不得不整顿宇宙秩序。
Nüwa brought five-coloured stones, 这时,女娲取来五种颜色的石头,
melted them and used the colourful magma of Heaven to mend the black hole.
Later,Nüwa repaired Earth, too. 补完天空以后,女娲又修补大地。
In the end, Nüwa killed the black dragon that was threatening human beings.
With the protection of Nüwa,人类在女娲的保护下,
human beings once again began to lead a happy and peaceful life.重新过上了平安幸福的生活。
Apollo among the crowd of olympian gods the one most widely admired was apollo.he was the son of zeus and let to.according to greek mythology,leto was driven by hera from land to land at last poseidon took pity on her and brought the island of delos out of water for her to live on.
There she gave birth to the twins, apollo and artemis. apollo was me sun-god. He wore a purple robe.he usually sat in his bright eastern palace early in the morning and madeready to start his daily journey across the sky.
during the day hed rove his carriage of gold and ivory,and brought light,life and love to the great world below.
iate in the afternoon he came to the end of his journey in the far western sea and got on his golden boat to return to his eastern home.apollo was the god of music and poetry.
He could stir up all feelings.These feelings are expressed in lofty songs.
It is said that there was no man when the sky andthe earth were separated by Pangu.
It was Nuwawho made human beingsafter her own model with yellow clay.From then on, man began to live in peace andhappiness on the earth.
是女蜗按照自己的样子用黄 泥塑出了人类。此后,人们便开始在大地上幸福的生活着。
on expectedly the fou rpillars supporting the heaven suddenly collapsed and the earth cracked. A great fire raged;torrential water flooded all the lands;fierce animals preyed on men.
天有不测风云,一年, 忽然天崩地裂,大火肆虐,洪水滔天,野兽横行伤人。
Then Nuwa melted fivecolored stones, using them to mend the cracks in the sky.
To replace the broken pillars, she cut off the four legs of a huge turtle and used them to support the fallen sky.
Thus the sky was patched up, its four corners were lifted, the flood was tamed, harmful animalswere killed, and the innocent people were able to restore their happy lives.
就这样,天补好了,四个角撑住了,洪水被驯服, 猛兽被消灭,人类的生活又恢复到往日的幸福祥和之中。